Thank you Tina. The anger comes from having seen and, as all of us, having heard about so much violence, poverty and hatred in the world while we the people who object to the wanton destruction of this good earth are ignored and sidelined by the state and private media corporations, who always function for the wellbeing of the rich and the corporations.

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This definitely resonated with me: 'I felt uprooted,

as if what I was seeing/reading was not moored

in any meaningful world of experiences.'

....so much of our world is becoming this superficial layering of things and distractions, purposely designed so that we no longer have to think, question or interact - time fillers without substance.

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I imagine that this anger expresses what so many feel but can't put into words and the frustration of what to do, how to take the next step, how to fight back. A tsunami of lies and destruction, deprivation for many and the fog of ignorance encouraged and fed by politicians for centuries. Beautifully written as always.

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