Well said old friend and I am afraid I can only Religion is poison!

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Dear Robert, thank you for these profound musings and the painful story-telling. Couldn't agree with you more. We can also hope for better and different, something our people seems to have been doing at least for the last 2000+ years.

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This is so very poignant, Robert, Thankyou. I’ll be reading this several times, and reflecting. I’ve been much in touch with Israeli friends on the left, who are extremely angry as well as horrified….

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Your piece is heart-rending, Robert and spoken from a place of true compassion and searchlight honesty. It speaks for so many of us , of whatever nationality, race or creed, who cannot begin to understand what is happening before us. You say it for us. Thank you so much.

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Something in me says :

This is still a choice. The leaders choose to give the orders to kill and take hostage, to shoot and bomb. The distorted soldiers choose to forget their humanity and raid and mutilate. Some people in history have refused, some were killed for their beliefs but they refused violence.

In every life, however privileged or in poverty, there comes a moment when we have to make a choice that takes everything we have to make. This is the moment, it is pivotal.

All I can imagine is that these perpetrators of such appalling crimes ( on both sides) must hate themselves deep down more than the innocents they massacre.

Thank you for speaking out Robert. Your observations of struggle and hypocrisy that lie in all places and in all of us are compassionate and I believe, a wise place to bring attention to; us, as a species, will we choose to lose the magnificent potential of our hearts and imaginations - will we survive as another kind of creature?

My feeling is that there will always be all of it and that is our burden; to have to make sense of this- and strive to continue with hope and with deep love.

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Best thing I have read on these most devastating recent events. Humanity could be so much better. Trauma, weapons, division, vengefulness …As you say so well, kindness is what is needed. Kindness and calm. So sorry for the innocents on both sides. So grateful for the stories from your past.

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