I compiled these photographs of mine a few weeks ago for a discussion with Lisa Glybchenko, a Ukrainian friend of mine. She had shown me the wonderful work she has been doing (https://www.facebook.com/coloruppeace)with Ukrainian refugees. It is work based in her adapting images sent to her by photographers and others which she selects from and reduces to line art as in colouring books. Lisa sends these to people and then uses the colouring of the images to encourage dialogue around the nature of peace.
(The file, which includes the above image, below can be downloaded by selecting the ‘read now’ and choosing download.
Lisa wrote, “The images are advocacy tools, and it's not up to anyone to tell the people how to use them. I am actually grateful to the participants for using the images well to drive their points across - quite literally to change the world image by image.”
It occurred to me that images of peace could also be thought of as images of enchantment; photographs of a world we want to live in. Their form and content could embody aspect of life which were touched by enchantment. The reality, even in the UK, is that while it is at peace, it is endlessly participating in supplying warring factions as well as being a place of smouldering class and racial conflict.
I needed to first prove to myself that I had been capable of having photographed such moments of enchantment, even given the broader nature of our shared world.
The attached above is that presentation, which addresses many uses of photography.